Wolston Parish Council - Header



Parish of Wolston


that due to the resignation of Cllr Shan Dobinson, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.

If by 31 October, 2024 (14 days excluding Dies Non, after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at the address below by TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

If an election is called, it will take place not later than 8 January, 2025.

Dated 11 October, 2024

Aftab Razzaq

Returning Officer

Town Hall

Evreux Way



CV21 2RR



Parish of Wolston


that due to the resignation of Cllr Jain Galliford, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.

If by 31 October, 2024 (14 days excluding Dies Non, after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at the address below by TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

If an election is called, it will take place not later than 8 January, 2025.

Dated 11 October, 2024

Aftab Razzaq

Returning Officer

Town Hall

Evreux Way



CV21 2RR


How to raise an item for discussion
by the Parish Council

  • To raise points of general interest or to ask a question either contact the Clerk or attend the open Public Forum session held before every Parish Council meeting.
  • To request that a topic be discussed as an Agenda item at the next Parish Council meeting please ensure that you advise the Clerk at least seven days prior to the meeting, in order that it may be included in the Agenda. Any item submitted must fall within the scope of the PC responsibilities and provide paper or electronic copies of all relevant background information to the topic.
  • To request that a topic be discussed as an Agenda item at the next Parish Council meeting, the outcome of which may include the need for a decision on expenditure by the Parish Council, you must advise the Clerk at least seven days prior to the meeting and provide paper or electronic copies of all relevant background information to the topic, including copies of all quotes and details of the selection criteria used, if any, to make a recommendation for expenditure. These documents will be circulated with the Agenda and will be in the public domain. Note that the Parish Council is lawfully unable to make any decision on proposals for expenditure which are not received in good time or are not adequately supported. If you are unsure about what is needed please contact the Clerk.

Wolston Parish Council

Introduction by Chair

The Parish Council channels its efforts into bringing about positive changes.

Councillors get involved in the community and village organisations supporting each other in the common cause of serving the public. The Parish Council encourages members of the public to contact the Parish Clerk, or individual Councillors, or to come along to our monthly meetings and take advantage of the “Public Forum” session which precedes our formal session. It is very important that we all have the opportunity to have our say in the things that matter to us.

I would like to put on record my thanks to all Wolston.

Wolston Parish Council
Grants, Loans and Financial Underwriting – 2024
Wolston PC will again be offering Community Groups in the parish the opportunity to apply for grants, loans and/or financial underwriting in the budget year April 2024 to March 2025.
For full details look at this page.


 Interim Audit Report

Published 26th September 2023
Interim Audit Report

Annual Governance and Accountability Return       2023-2024

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-2024 Form 3

AGAR Part 3 Additional Information 2023-2024 

 Notice of Public Rights 2023-2024 

Bank Reconciliation 2023-2024 

Breakdown of Reserves 2023-2024 

Explanation of Variances 2023-2024 

Internal Audit Report 2023-2024 


Annual Governance and Accountability Report 2022-2023

In accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, members of the public are advised that all relevant documents are available for inspection by any interested person, at the office of the Parish Council, for a period of at least 14 days, from 8th December 2023 to 3rd January 2024.


Notice of Conclusion of Annual Audit 2022/2023

Annual Governance and Accountability Report (AGAR) 2022-2023

External Auditor Cover Letter AGAR 2022/2023 

Notice of Public Rights

AGAR Section 3 - External Auditor Report and Certificate 2022/2023

AGAR Part 3 additional information 

Bank reconciliations

Explanations for variances 

Internal auditors report 

If you wish to visit the office to view the original documents please arrange this in advance with the Clerk to the Parish Council, 024 7654 5515 or email to: wolstonpc@wolstonpc.co.uk 


Annual Governance and Accountability Report 2021-2022
In accordance with the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, members of the public are advised that all relevant documents are available for inspection by any interested person, at the office of the Parish Council, for a period of at least 30 days, from 14th February 2023 to 28th March 2023.
The Annual Governance and Accountability Report (AGAR) for the financial year 2021-2022
 is available here .
The external auditor report and certificate
is available here
The Notice of Conclusion of Audit
is available here 

If you wish to visit the office to view the original documents please arrange this in advance with the Clerk to the Parish Council, 024 7654 5515 or email to: wolstonpc@wolstonpc.co.uk  

Wolston Housing Needs Survey
The most recent (2017) Housing Needs Survey may be downloaded here

Wolston Neighbourhood Survey
Results of the Neighbourhood Survey (2017)
  are available here.

 This report Flood Mitigation - Option Appraisal was commissioned by Wolston PC, and paid for with grant support from WCC Flood Risk Management.



If your community organisation wishes to apply to the Parish Council for a loan or a grant please provide advance notice by the middle of December latest, in order that it may be incorporated into the budget for the following year. To do this please send an email to the Clerk, at the email address below, stating the amount proposed and why your organisation needs the grant. 

When you are ready to make the formal application please complete the application form and submit it to the Clerk wolstonpc@wolstonpc.co.uk  .


Next Meeting of Wolston PC

Meetings of Wolston Parish council are normally held on the first Thursday of every month, usually at Wolston Village Hall. The Public Forum starts at 7.15pm, and the PC meeting will start after the Public Forum concludes but no later than 7.45pm.

The agenda for the meetings may be viewed on this page three working days before the meeting.

To contact Wolston Parish Council
please click here

Quick Links

Meetings, Agendas & Minutes
Policies and Procedures
Frequently Asked Questions
Working Groups for 2021 - 2022
Wolston Fields Farm Liaison Group
Emergency Response

Reporting Dog Mess
If you see dog mess in any areas of the village, it would help the Parish Council if you could report this.
Please either telephone Mrs Maria Meede, the Parish Clerk, on 024 7654 5515, or report the mess via the form on the village website here. Your reporting will help us to find out which areas are the worst affected, and then we can ask the Dog Warden or Community Safety Wardens to take action.
Your assistance will be much appreciated, as dog mess can be a big problem for parents who are out in the village with their young children, or to parents taking their youngsters to school and nursery, or for older residents and those using mobility scooters. 

For more information about dogs in public places look here.

Kite flying in Dyers Lane
The Parish Council recently resolved to ban the use of 'power kites' on the Recreation Ground in Dyers Lane. This is based on advice produced by the British Power Kite Sports Association from which it is clear that the site is unsuitable for this purpose. The description of a Power Kite is here


Preparing for Emergencies in Warwickshire

A new, easy to read guide recently published by WCC. As well as links to download the document this article also contains links to the other relevant documents and websites. Read more here.

If you notice something wrong with this page or wish to suggest an update please advise: webmaster.wolston@gmail.com