Preparing for Emergencies

Published: 06 March 2017

Preparing for emergencies in Warwickshire

A guide to help you prepare yourself for major emergencies   

This document explains how you can prepare yourself to deal with the major emergency situations that are most likely to affect you. It sets out:

  • which major emergencies are most likely to happen
  • how you can prepare yourself to deal with them
  • where you can find out more
  • what we are doing to reduce the likelihood the emergencies will happen, and how we will respond if they do.

This document covers major emergencies that affect lots of people at the same time, making it difficult for the emergency services to respond on their own. It doesn’t cover smaller scale emergencies that affect only a few people, nor does it cover malicious threats such as terrorism or war.

The emergency situations covered are those that we think are most likely to affect our communities. This does not mean that we think that they will happen, or that you will be affected if they do. However, after following national guidelines on how to assess risk, we think that these are the emergency situations you should know about:


Pandemic flu

Extreme cold and snow

Animal diseases

Heatwave and drought

Industrial accidents

Water pollution

Serious transport disruption

Widespread power cuts

Space weather



WCC Preparing for Emergencies in Warwickshire

WCC Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

RBC Major Emergency Plan

CSW Resilience Home Emergency Plan Template

Links to useful related websites:

WCC Emergency Planning Unit Warwickshire Prepared

Coventry Solihull and Warwickshire CSW Resilience Team -

Government: Preparing for Emergencies – what you need to know