Wolston Associations - Page Header

Groups & Associations

If you wish to update or add any information please contact wolstonpc@wolstonpc.co.uk 

Angling ClubWolston Angling Club
AriseMen's Breakfast Meeting, on the third Saturday of each month, St Margaret's Church Rooms. To book your breakfast contact Peter on 024 7654 3410 or Nigel 024 7654 3040

Brandon Ladies

Contact Ann Cartwright 024 7654 0617, Sue Burdett 024 7654 4274 or Juliet Carter 024 7654 3977

Brownies Contact: wolstonbrownies@gmail.com or  or District Commissioner at knightlowdc@gmail.com
Cinema ClubCaleb Cinema Club - Second Friday of each month at 1.30 PM in St Margaret's Church Rooms. Film, tea and cakes - £2 per person.
DanceBryan School of Dancing.
Ballet, Tap, Disco and Musical theatre classes from age 2 1/2 years to senior level. Wolston Village Hall on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Established 29 years. Contact: Amanda Thompson 02476545872 mail: bryandancing@yahoo.co.uk website: https://www.bryanschoolofdancing.com/
Focus on Thursday Join the Focus group in the back room of the Baptist Church every Thursday afternoon at 2.30 PM. Contact: Dorothy on 024 7654 3021
Garden ClubWolston Garden Club meets at 7.30 PM on the third Thursday of the months in the Village Hall. Guests welcome, £3 per meeting.
Contact Val Griffin 024 7654 5469 for details. Check our website for details of forthcoming meetings
Girl GuidesContact: email: wolstonguides@gmail.com or District Commissioner at knightlowdc@gmail.com
Great War SocietyWatch this space for the date for 2012 and come and join this moving ceremony held in honour of all those who lost their lives in the Great War.
HistoryBrandon, Bretford and Wolston History Group. Contact Jeff Chatwin 024 7654 4109. Website: https://www.bbw-history-group.co.uk/
KnittingKnitting Circle. Meet every other Thursday morning at 10 AM to 1 PM at Wolston Baptist Church.

Little StarsBig Play for little people. Babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and their carers meet alternate Thursdays from 1.30 PM in St Margarets Church Rooms. March meetings on 10th and 24th. Contact: Mhairi 7654 5868
Luncheon Club

Luncheon Club for the over 60s at Wolston Leisure and Community Centre.
Every month on a Thursday - Phone 024 7654 1212 to book your place !

Oasis Coffee MorningPop in and brighten your Monday morning ! 10:00 till 12:00 at Wolston Baptist Church. Whoever you are, we'd love to see you.
RainbowsContact: Beverley Suffell   01788 813674    beverleysuffell@gmail.com or District Commissioner at knightlowdc@gmail.com
ScoutsContact: Kevan on 024 7654 2837
Silver Surfers

Over 50 and want to learn how to use the internet or send email ? Wolston Library are now running a Silver Surfers session on Monday afternoons 3pm-5pm. To book contact the library on 0300 555 8171 or email

Tae Kwon Do

FOCUS Tae Kwon Do, classes every Monday at Wolston Village Hall.
For information contact Adrian 07808 295020 ot vist www.focus-tkd.co.uk/

Womens InstituteWolston WI meet at 8pm on the second Thursday of the month at Wolston Village Hall. Contact Ann Lord for details on 024 7654 4159, email annlord28@gmail.com Website: /Wolston_WI_3400.aspx  
Wolston Motor ClubContact Mark Brooks at markgbrooks@hotmail.co.uk
Wolston WalkersWolston Walkers meet once a month for a short walk (~ 4 miles) in gentle countryside within a short drive of Wolston. Lifts are available. For details contact: David Gadsby on 024 7654 3485.
Young FarmersContact: Helen (Secretary) on 024 7654 5620 or 07531 267359, or Hannah (Programme secretary) on 024 7654 2501 or 07771 313332

Youth Club

Temporarily closed 

If you notice something wrong with this page or wish to suggest an update please advise: wolstonpc@wolstonpc.co.uk