If you wish to update or add any information please contact wolstonpc@wolstonpc.co.uk |
Allotments | |
Angling Club | Wolston Angling Club |
Arise | Men's Breakfast Meeting, on the third Saturday of each month, St Margaret's Church Rooms. To book your breakfast contact Peter on 024 7654 3410 or Nigel 024 7654 3040 |
Brandon Ladies
| Contact Ann Cartwright 024 7654 0617, Sue Burdett 024 7654 4274 or Juliet Carter 024 7654 3977
Brownies | Contact: wolstonbrownies@gmail.com or or District Commissioner at knightlowdc@gmail.com |
Cinema Club | Caleb Cinema Club - Second Friday of each month at 1.30 PM in St Margaret's Church Rooms. Film, tea and cakes - £2 per person. |
Dance | Bryan School of Dancing. Ballet, Tap, Disco and Musical theatre classes from age 2 1/2 years to senior level. Wolston Village Hall on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Established 29 years. Contact: Amanda Thompson 02476545872 mail: bryandancing@yahoo.co.uk website: https://www.bryanschoolofdancing.com/ |
Focus on Thursday | Join the Focus group in the back room of the Baptist Church every Thursday afternoon at 2.30 PM. Contact: Dorothy on 024 7654 3021 |
Garden Club | Wolston Garden Club meets at 7.30 PM on the third Thursday of the months in the Village Hall. Guests welcome, £3 per meeting. Contact Val Griffin 024 7654 5469 for details. Check our website for details of forthcoming meetings
Girl Guides | Contact: email: wolstonguides@gmail.com or District Commissioner at knightlowdc@gmail.com
Great War Society | Watch this space for the date for 2012 and come and join this moving ceremony held in honour of all those who lost their lives in the Great War. |
History | Brandon, Bretford and Wolston History Group. Contact Jeff Chatwin 024 7654 4109. Website: https://www.bbw-history-group.co.uk/ |
Knitting | Knitting Circle. Meet every other Thursday morning at 10 AM to 1 PM at Wolston Baptist Church. |
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Little Stars | Big Play for little people. Babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and their carers meet alternate Thursdays from 1.30 PM in St Margarets Church Rooms. March meetings on 10th and 24th. Contact: Mhairi 7654 5868 |
Luncheon Club | Luncheon Club for the over 60s at Wolston Leisure and Community Centre. Every month on a Thursday - Phone 024 7654 1212 to book your place ! |
Oasis Coffee Morning | Pop in and brighten your Monday morning ! 10:00 till 12:00 at Wolston Baptist Church. Whoever you are, we'd love to see you. |
Rainbows | Contact: Beverley Suffell 01788 813674 beverleysuffell@gmail.com or District Commissioner at knightlowdc@gmail.com
Scouts | Contact: Kevan on 024 7654 2837 |
Silver Surfers | Over 50 and want to learn how to use the internet or send email ?
Wolston Library are now running a Silver Surfers session on Monday
afternoons 3pm-5pm. To book contact the library on 0300 555 8171 or email |
Tae Kwon Do
| FOCUS Tae Kwon Do, classes every Monday at Wolston Village Hall. For information contact Adrian 07808 295020 ot vist www.focus-tkd.co.uk/ |
Womens Institute | Wolston WI meet at 8pm on the second Thursday of the month at Wolston Village Hall. Contact Ann Lord for details on 024 7654 4159, email annlord28@gmail.com Website: /Wolston_WI_3400.aspx |
Wolston Motor Club | Contact Mark Brooks at markgbrooks@hotmail.co.uk |
Wolston Walkers | Wolston Walkers meet once a month for a short walk (~ 4 miles) in gentle countryside within a short drive of Wolston. Lifts are available. For details contact: David Gadsby on 024 7654 3485. |
Young Farmers | Contact: Helen (Secretary) on 024 7654 5620 or 07531 267359, or Hannah (Programme secretary) on 024 7654 2501 or 07771 313332 |
Youth Club
| Temporarily closed |