Dog foulingDog fouling is consistently one of the highest sources of complaints by the public to MPs, local councillors and local authorities. Estimates put the UK dog population between 6.5 and 7.4 million, producing 1,000 tonnes of faeces every day.
Toxocarius is a disease present in dog faeces that particularly endangers children and can cause blindness. Of particular concern is the problem of people who let their dogs foul the Dyers Lane Recreation Ground field who are creating a serious health risk for everyone else who uses the field.
Our footballl teams regularly have to clear dog faeces from the pitch before they can play their matches and have been warned by the referees that unless there is a significant improvement the pitch will be declared unsuitable for use by their leagues, effectively stopping them from playing there. Note that the Recreation Ground is already subject to a byelaw that makes it the dog-owner's responsibility to clear up after their pet.
To help dog owners fulfil their responsibility to clear up after their dogs the Parish Council has provided 20 dog-waste bins around the village -it would be great if all dog-walkers could clear up after their dogs and put the waste in the dog-bins. The dog-bins are emptied once a week, usually on a Thursday morning.
If you encounter any difficulties when using the dog-bins please either Contact the Parish Council or telephone the Clerk on 024 7654 5515.
Please help to keep our village environment clean and tidy by clearing up after your dog and reporting those who don't.
For a summary of local bylaws concerning dogs, look here
To look at the bylaws concerning dogs enacted by Rugby Borough Council, look here
To make a report of a dog fouling incident, or of dogs not under control, look here
There is a maximum penalty of £1000 if dog-walkers do not clear up after their dogs