Wolston Parish Council
Grants, Loans and Financial Underwriting – 2025/6
Wolston PC will again be offering Community Groups in the parish the opportunity to apply for grants, loans and/or financial underwriting in the budget year April 2025 to March 2026.
For full details look at this page.

Wolston Neighbourhood Plan
The next meeting of the
'NDP 'Steering Group'
will be advertised here.

Brandon and Wolston Village Hall
has a new email address.
To make a booking enquiry please email to:
Look at the Village Hall web page here.

WI LogoWolston WI meet at the Village Hall at 8pm in the second Thursday of each month. Why not come along and join us.

Wolston Surgery - Patient Reference Group

If you have any feedback about the facilities or the way that the surgery is managed, please let the receptionist know, or email to CRCCG.EnquiriesWolston@nhs.net

The most recent NHS 'GP Patient Survey' report on the practice is here, and the report of the most recent inspection by the Care Quality Commission is here.



Welcome to the

Wolston Village Community Website

If you want to comment on the content, point out links that don't work or are out of date or otherwise suggest how things here may be improved, please send an email to  webmaster@wolstonpc.co.uk
Maintenance of this website is done on a voluntary basis, and the hosting costs are funded by Wolston Parish Council.
With thanks also to WCC for IT hardware support

Wolston Garden Club logo

 Click here for details of meetings
during 2024.

Membership for the year is £17. Guests, at £4 each, are welcome at any meeting.

If you have any queries about Garden Club, please telephone Val Griffin on (024) 7654 5469. We are not a Horticultural Society ! We are a group of people that enjoy gardens and associated topics. You don't necessarily need to have a garden or like gardening to be a member as the talks are of general interest.

Litter, Dog Waste and Salt Grit bins
Click here to see all the litter and dog
waste bins in Wolston

Click here to see all the salt grit bins in Wolston
When the map layer opens you see all the bins and can zoom in to the area of interest. From the 'Layers' box on the left you can select the type of bin of interest. Residents are free to use the salt grit for use on and immediately adjacent to their house or place of work. If you become aware that a salt grit bin is empty please advise the Clerk to the Parish Council on 024 7654 5515, or email to wolstonpc@wolstonpc.co.uk

Concerned about Climate Change ?
Details of local greenhouse gas emissions, broken down by source type and location, are available at this link: https://impact-tool.org.uk
Or click this link to see the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of your house

Maintaining the flower beds
Thanks to all those volunteers who help to maintain the flower beds and planters in the centre of the village.
Click here for some pictures 

Do you have a problem and don't know which Council to contact ?
Click this link for a handy guide

Wolston Streetlights
Wolston Parish Council (WPC) own and operate the majority of the streetlights in Wolston.
Click this link for a map showing the numbers of all WPC streetlights.
If a WPC streetlight is defective please advise the Clerk on 024 7654 5515, or by email at wolstonpc@wolstonpc.co.uk, leaving details of the streetlight number, the fault and your contact details.
If the streetlight is on Warwick Road, School Street or Main Street it is owned and maintained by Warwickshire County Council - see below.

Make a complaint or report to WCC
Warwickshire County Council have a new website where you can report just about any problem
to do with highways, sewers, footpaths, Rights of Way etc.. 
If you need to know the number of a WCC streetlight - click this link
  To use the WCC reporting tool click here.

Make a complaint or report to RBC
A new reporting tool makes it easier to report noise, abandoned vehicles, fly tipping and other environmental problems to Rugby BC.
To use the RBC reporting tool, click here

Warwickshire Business Crime
Crime prevention advice for retailers and business owners

Warwickshire PolicePolice logo

Rugby Rural Central (incudes Wolston)
For the latest monthly update, click here.
To contact the local police Safer Neighbourhood Team call 01788 853851 or email to rrs.snt@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk

Community Transport Schemes
for details of services that may help your group organise a day out, provide transport to or from hospital or other essential needs. All are either FREE or run as a voluntary service on an ‘at cost’ basis.

Read more

Photographs of Old Wolston
Do you have any pictures of old Wolston ?
To help complete a photograpic record of old Wolston the Brandon Bretford and Wolston History Group need your help to complete some gaps in their records.

For a list of the places and buildings of which pictures are most sought please click here.

Click the logo for the latest news from

RSN Logo
The RSN Online site is updated every week

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