Village Map

Published: 23 July 2017

The village map on display next to the 'phone box on the village green needs replacing, and Wolston PC wish to take the opportunity to update the artwork. Many changes to the area covered by the map have occurred since it was last updated and most of these have been identified and, where appropriate, will be included in the new artwork.

The PC is also keen to invite residents to consider what changes they may wish to suggest for addition to the new version of the map, which can then be considered alongside all the other changes already proposed. It is probable that there will not be enough room for a huge amount of additional detail, but the current objective is to identify all the suggested changes and then work out which ones should take priority with regards to user interest and available space, whilst retaining legibility and without making the map look too cluttered.

It is intended that an overview of the suggested changes by considered at the PC meeting on the 3rd August, in order that guidance can be given to the artist on how to proceed.  . Having reviewed the existing map in detail and considered the changes already proposed it is clear that some of the suggested changes are mutually exclusive so the earlier that the information is received for review the easier it will be or the artist to develop the update.

If you have any suggestions for changes to the map please email the PC Clerk on or leave a message on 024 7654 5515. Any drawings of suggested changes may be dropped off at the PC office or in the letterbox outside the door (at the side of the Baptist Church). It is hoped that the final version will be ready for endorsement by the PC at the following meeting on the 7th September. Look here for a copy of the existing map.