Wolston PC - Budget 2018

Published: 14 November 2017

Wolston Parish Council – 2018 Budget

Wolston Parish Council will soon be compiling a budget for the financial year 2018 – 2019 (commencing 1st April 2018), which will form the basis of the 2018 precept demand to Rugby BC and thus influence the Council Tax that is paid by residents.

The Parish Council is keen to work with and support the aspirations of our community and residents are invited to submit proposals to the PC for budget provision for funding of village facilities and amenities in the forthcoming financial year. The Parish Council also invites applications from village organisations to submit proposals for grant funding during the 2018 budget year. While it is not a pre-requisite for grant or other funding that advance notice of funding requests be made preference will be given to applicants that are able to provide advance information of funding requirements and thus enable the PC to make adequate budget provision for the amounts requested. Note that a request for budget provision for funding does not guarantee award of funding, and that a fully justified proposal will be required when a formal request for a grant or proposal for funding is received by the Parish Council.

All proposals for budget provision for funding of village facilities and amenities and grant funding of village organisations should be received by the Clerk to the Parish Council by 12th December, either in writing to the PC Office at 2 Main Street, CV8 3HJ or by email to the Clerk at clerk.wolstonpc@wolston.me.uk . If you wish to discuss your proposal with the Clerk please call 024 7654 5515.