Neighbourhood Plan at the Garden Walkabout

Published: 05 August 2017

Wolston Neighbourhood Plan
Garden Walkabout Stand, 9th July 2017 - Feedback & Mood Card Evaluation

Volunteers from the Wolston Neighbourhood Plan team hosted two stands at the ‘Garden Walkabout’ on 9th July and managed to speak with a wide variety of people – residents, visitors, young and old, which was both interesting and also eye-opening. We received good feedback and answered several intriguing questions about the NDP and in most cases the concept was well received. Several positive relationships were struck up and in a few cases we were able to help a better understanding of our objectives and thus change a few negative opinions about the NDP.

One tool that we used to very good effect was a ‘Mood Card’ in which we asked visitors to our stands just three simple questions on their first thoughts about Wolston. After analysis the results were very informative and a synopsis of the results is as follows:

· It would appear that Wolston has a good sense of community, friendliness and belonging, to residents and visitors alike as well as praise for our amenities. ‘Tourists’ are also attracted to the welcoming attitude of our village.

· The highest respondent ‘concern’ was traffic, followed by new housing, parking and crime in that order.

· However, when asked what they would like Wolston to be like in 15 years, it seems although most respondents are opposed to new developments of any kind, many others are aware growth is mostly inevitable but concerned any new growth must be sustainable and sympathetic to our current needs.

· It must be noted there may be some understandable bias due to the climate of where the respondents were approached, so naturally focus is on gardens, beauty etc.. 37 cards were completed, most of them with impressive detail with the highest demographic being residents of Wolston, female and aged 19-64.

· We will hopefully approach other types of people at other events going forward (for example, we intend to have a presence at the Allotment Family BBQ on 18th August). Please note this synopsis has been formulated through interpretation, due to the fluid nature of the document.

This was the first event where Mood Cards were used and they were well received and seemed attractive to those completing them.